The Web

The web or internet has become part of our essential needs in our daily basis. When you meet someone the first thing you ask for is their social medias. For example, if I meet someone new I ask for their Instagram or Twitter, it’s a way I keep in contact with them. It’s a tool for communication and interaction with people all around the world. If you want to find out if a person is set for a job, you use linkedin.

If you have someone far away like I do, you know you use the web to text them and find out how they are. It’s like having them 5 minutes away without necessarily having them near. Having internet helps me keep in contact with my nephews and their mom who live far away from me. When the earthquakes in Puerto Rico hit the only way to get to them was using the internet and that was the only way I found out they were alright.

Another use we give the internet is to express our self. We all have social media, but we if you are anything like me, you have a close friend’s story and a normal one. In other words, my midday crisis and my dumb self moments goes through my close friends and my cute selfies with inspirational quotes go to my normal everyone watching story. Same thing goes with Twitter and Facebook. When we use facebook we use it to either post pictures so our family and friends know we are okay, or we post a status about something serious that happened. Twitter in another hand is where your midday quotes go through, you post a funny thing that happens or just a random thought that pops into your head.

Now, what if you want to know about someone? Just google them. Open a tab and write “Kike Hernandez biography” and bam, there you have his social media username, his biography, his family, you may even find where was the last time he was at the bathroom. If you’re that bored you can even google yourself and you’ll see each and every move you’ve done (“YOU” vibes).

Another use I give the internet is to find out about sports. For example, I don’t have cable at home so I can’t see the NBA games. What do I do? I get my phone and type “Lakers VS. Warriors live” and I find every single link to see the live game. I want to know if Adriana Diaz got into the Tokyo 2020 Olympics (which she did) I just look it up on a web searcher. If i wanna find out where area the tickets to any game selling, where do i go? The internet. Do i wanna know if my team got eliminated just go on twitter, you’ll see every fan getting mad and fighting of why they were eliminated unfairly.

You see, all of these examples show how we are always connected one way or another to the web. You think of it or not, it has become an attachment to us. Even for college we use it. We have classes where we use the internet as part of the class itself. We use it to find out things we didn’t know, to watch movies. To text, to call, to see someone, to set up a date. We have internet everywhere we go, we just don’t notice until we sit down and start writing about it for a class. (Just like now).

Another fun way I use the internet is at the gym, when i rarely go. I put my headphones on, grab my phone and put the most upbeat, loudest songs i have and i got do exercise. That type of music and music videos numb you through the pain of having to be an hour trying to achieve your summer body. After you get out of the gym, you sit down inside your car and think “hmm, i’m hungry. Let me check my BK apps to see if there’s any coupons so i can eat”, and there goes your exercise, flying out the window and into Burger King.

You see. apps like Netflix, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Spotify, Tik Tok, Facebook have become a part of our daily life. We just can’t let them consume us. We need a balance between everything. Life is not only the apps or the searching on google to do an assignment. We have to leave it sometimes and go get fresh air (attacking myself thank you). Because of the
immediacy of the internet and having it in the literal palm of our hands (phones) we’ve become some sort of numb to out surroundings. So yes, go crazy on social media if you want, but find time to enjoy the little things outside of them.

Reasons why I use Instagram a lot

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