
This homework is about recommending some accounts, channels, books, movies and series to look up. Here are mines in a weird spanglish way.

YouTube Channels:

  1. David Dobrik Hace blogs con sus amistades y gracias a sus videos y su “partnership” con seekgeek ayuda a estudiantes con el pagar su matricula y  a darles ayuda a gente que lo necesita.
  2. Bretman Rock MakeUp Gurú que hace videos graciosos, de maquillaje e informativos de productos que le compra.
  3. 3.Colleen Ballinger Es una
  4. Youtuber que trabaja con diferentes fundaciones y además habla sobre la sexualidad de manera educativa tras ser mamá.

Instagram profiles:

  1. Capitalinos de San Juna  para los que le gustan el baloncesto y quieren estar pendiente a algún equipo en el área de San Juan, el Instagram de los capitalinos de san juan es muy bueno. El equipo se encuentra invicto y es el campeón de la temporada pasada en la liga de baloncesto puertorriqueña.
  2. La guerra del BSN siguiendo con el deporte, esta pagina contiene todo lo que pasa en el Baloncesto Superior Nacional.
  3. Natalia Melendez comentarista deportiva y ex baloncelista. Jugo en BSNF


  1. Eleanor & Park

Eleanor is the new girl in town, and with her chaotic family life, her mismatched clothes and unruly red hair, she couldn’t stick out more if she tried.
Park is the boy at the back of the bus. Black T-shirts, headphones, head in a book – he thinks he’s made himself invisible. But not to Eleanor… never to Eleanor.

La historia empieza cuando el autor describe un dibujo que hizo cuando era nino de un boa constrictor que se traga un elefante. Disgustado por la falta de imaginación de los adultos, decide cambiar de oficio, ya no sera pintor, sera piloto de avioneta. Así, vive solo, pilotando sin nadie con quien poder hablar de verdad durante años, hasta que un día tiene una avería en el desierto del Sahara y empieza a desarrolarce la historia

It all begins with a fugitive billionaire and the promise of a cash reward. Turtles All the Way Down is about lifelong friendship, the intimacy of an unexpected reunion, Star Wars fan fiction, and tuatara. But at its heart is Aza Holmes, a young woman navigating daily existence within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.

Films o series:

  1. Coach Carter.

Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson) returns to his old high school in Richmond, California, to get the basketball team into shape. With tough rules and academic discipline, he succeeds in setting the players on a winning streak. But when their grades start to suffer, Carter locks them out of the gym and shuts down their championship season. When he is criticized by the players and their parents, he sticks to his guns, determined that they excel in class as well as on the court.

Monica and Quincy are two childhood friends who both aspire to be professional basketball players. Quincy, whose father, Zeke, plays for the Los Angeles Clippers, is a natural talent and a born leader. Monica is ferociously competitive but sometimes becomes overly emotional on the court. Over the years, the two begin to fall for each other, but their separate paths to basketball stardom threaten to pull them apart.

The Good Place is a town where those who have been good throughout their lives go once they have passed away. Michael is the architect who oversees the town, and this is the first one he has been in charge of creating. Eleanor arrives at the Good Place and realizes they have her name right, but everything else is wrong. She isn’t meant to be there at all. With the help of Chidi, her soul mate, Eleanor tries to right her wrongs, seeking to finally earn her spot in the Good Place. 

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